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Frequently Asked Questions
Where are you located?We are located in northeast Portland at 2100 NE Broadway. We are inside of Asha Wellness, suite 225 of the building. There is an elevator or stairs to take you to the second floor.
Do you have a parking lot?We do! Sometimes it can fill up, and there is also street parking if that is the case.
How Long Are Appointments?30 minutes for the initial appointment, 15 minutes for follow up appointments.
What Does A First Visit Look Like?The doctor will take a history of your complaint including identifying movements that make the pain worse. They will determine if shockwave treatment is a good fit for you and if so, treat the area. Then you will see if there is any improvement to pain and function of those same movements.
How Fast Will I See ImprovementThis varies person to person, but generally we expect to see 5-20% improvement after the first visit and steady improvement over the following visits
Why Is It Not Working For Me?There are circumstances that can decrease results (like a systemic illness, dehydration, continuation of the activity that caused the problem in the first place - think chef with an elbow problem who can’t take time off work). You should still see progress, it just might be slower.
How Do I Know If Its Working?It can be obvious - a decrease in pain. It also might be less obvious to start. Looking for more range of motion, improvement in how long you can do things that were previously limited (think folding laundry for 5 minutes verse 10). Sometimes it is your physical therapist who notices a difference.
How Should I Expect To Feel Afterwards?This varies person to person. Some people feel immediate pain relief, others it might take a day or two. Occasionally there is some tenderness or soreness, but that shouldn't last. Sometimes dehydration can cause you to feel a little off or tired.
How Does The Doctor Determine If I am A Good Candidate For Shockwave?At your initial visit the doctor will take a comprehensive history of your health and the issue you are having. Then you and the doctor will work together to identify certain movements that are irritating or limited. She will note how you are able to do those movements before and after the treatment. Based on your history, exam and results from the first treatment, the doctor will discuss with you why she does or doesn’t think you are a candidate. And if you aren’t a candidate, she will do her best to make suggestions at next steps.
Why Wouldn't I Be A Good Candidate?You are too ill to be able to withstand the treatment You are in a flare of an autoimmune condition or other issue. You have active cancer You have had a steroid shot within the past 21 days You have a pacemaker in the treatment area Imaging shows a structural reason for the issue You are requesting treatment in an area not safe to treat with Shockwave
Do I Still Have To Pay If It Is Determined I Am Not A Good Candidate?Yes
How much better should I expect to feel once my treatment plan is done?In many cases, we can achieve 100% resolution, but that is not always the case. The doctor will be honest with you about what can be expected so that you can make your treatment decisions and goals with proper information.
How many sessions will I need?Most people require around 6-12 sessions. If you are healing an injury, this is generally all they need for resolution. If you have a chronic issue due to overuse (carpal tunnel from your work), it might be necessary to continue maintenance care. This could be monthly, bi-yearly or as needed.
Can you determine if I am a good candidate over the phone?The only way for us to know if you are a good candidate for this treatment is in person in order to try out the device. If the doctor sees any red flags on your intake form that would exempt you from trying the treatment, they will call and let you know in advance.
Can I have treatment near my surgery or physical therapy?Stemwave is commonly used alongside other modalities successfully. We find people have better outcomes in physical therapy and surgery because shockwave helps to remove inflammation and increase tissue healing rates.
Why can't you treat more than 2-3 joints at a time?We are using this machine to make the body think there is acute injury so that it will send more blood supply along with more builder cells. The body only has so much of this. If we do too much then it reduces the treatment for your worst areas and it might make you feel really exhausted. In fact, sometimes the doctor chooses to limit a person to 2 areas if she thinks 3 is too much.
How should I prepare for the treatment?Wear loose fitting clothes that make it easier to expose the area (though we have gowns if needed) Hydrate! People who are well hydrated respond better We prefer you don’t have other treatments the same day initially. It makes it easier for the doctor to judge the success of the device for your body. However, we understand schedules are difficult and the doctor can work around that. Don’t plan any activities that would be more challenging than your normal activities. If you go to the gym, then don’t do more than your normal workout. People often feel improved and are able to do more before they are ready and they get sore.
Do you have any aftercare advice?Don’t plan any activities that would be more challenging than your normal activities. If you go to the gym, then don’t do more than your normal workout. People often feel improved and are able to do more before they are ready and they get sore. Stay hydrated Know that if you are sore, it’s a normal response.
What would disqualify me for this treatment?Pacemaker if you would like shoulder treatment Pregnancy It must be 21 days or more since your last steroid treatment
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